Was ist das Besondere an Jahreskontaktlinsen? Das Besondere an Jahreskontaktlinsen ist ihre Fertigung. Sie sind enorm robust und somit auch sehr lange haltbar. Es gibt sie bei uns als weiche Linsen und natürlich auch mit Dioptrie,Somit können sie auch gut von Personen mit besonderen Sehproblemen getragen werden. Eine gleichbleibende gute Sehqualität ist selbstverständlich. Reinigen und […]
Kategorie-Archive: Kontaktlinsen richtig pflegen
The special feature of Yearly lenses is their production. They are extremely robust and therefore very durable. They are available as soft lenses and of course also with diopter, so they can also be worn well by people with special vision problems. A consistent good quality of vision is a matter of course. If you […]
Cleaning and storing the lenses To clean the colored lenses, you should only use special cleaning fluid (no tap water). It is important to remove the protein and fat residues that inevitably accumulate during wear. First, drip some cleaning liquid on the lens resting in the palm of your hand and gently rub it with […]
Since our contact lenses are worn much longer than other contact lenses, daily cleaning is the most important thing. What can I achieve through proper cleaning? The proper cleaning of the soft contact lenses reduces the germ count by 99.999%! NOTE: If contact lenses are required for the first time, an eye doctor / optometrist […]